by Bryon D Beilman
I was cleaning out some drawers and ran into my US Robotics Palm Pilot. Yes, that's right a US Robotics Palm Pilot. It was before it was 3COM and before it was eventually spun out as Palm. It was , at the time, a pretty impressive device, with the stylus you could write on it, take notes and try to organize your life. It came with a stylus and a cradle that attached to a serial port to sync it to the computer. Having just read Steve Jobs biography and reading how he hated the stylus and thought there should be something better, I agree, but at the time it was pretty advanced. I do remember trying to take notes in a meeting or make it my single source, and it never really worked out. Third party companies made docks that had portable keyboards that folded up, but those had their issues as well.
Before I took this apart, I did look at E-Bay to make sure it was not worth a lot of money as a collector's item. It turns out that people do sell them, and I found one on E-Bay for $1.35, which is no where near the $199 I think I paid for it back in the 90's . I have found that my iphone has been perhaps one of the best designed devices I have owned, however, the Palm Pilot reminds me of all the engineers and ideas that came before it that paved the way for the device I have today.