IT Blogs & News - Written by IT Professionals - iuvo Technologies

iuvo Wins 2024 Visionary Spotlight Award for Cloud Computing

Written by Jessica DeForge | May 28, 2024 3:00:00 PM

We are proud to announce that iuvo is a recipient of the 2024 Visionary Spotlight Award for Cloud Computing (Business Technology) for our innovative solution, iuvo Guardian. This award, presented by Beka Business Media, recognizes outstanding products, services, and deployments that exemplify innovation and excellence in the communications industry.



The annual Visionary Spotlight Awards (VSA) highlight both channel and service provider innovations, honoring exceptional achievements across numerous categories. This year, the competition saw a record number of nominations, making the distinction even more significant.  

"To all of our winners," said Beka Business Media founder and ChannelVision Magazine publisher, Berge Kaprelian. "For a year that saw a record number of nominations, I can proudly say that all VSA recipients - spanning Overall Excellence, Business Technology and Service Provider Technology - have made outstanding strides that warrant distinction."  

When asked about the award, iuvo President and CEO Bryon Beilman stated, “Thought Leadership is one of our tenants at iuvo, winning this award affirms that we are visionary in the way we think about the cloud. Over the last five years, our roadmap has led us to be a cloud centric organization and I am very appreciative to be recognized for the work we did to develop this new cloud product.”  


iuvo Guardian  

iuvo Guardian has been recognized for its overall innovation, future industry impact, creativity, feature set differentiation, and ease of use and interoperability.   

iuvo Guardian is an advanced infrastructure as code configuration management tool for managing and maintaining your Microsoft 365 environment. It's designed to streamline and secure your Microsoft 365 management effortlessly by automating the upkeep of your Microsoft 365 environment, making sure it stays secure and aligned with the latest industry best practices.   


iuvo Guardian Highlights:  

  • Microsoft 365 Settings Change Alerts: iuvo Guardian proactively monitors and alerts on changes and updates to managed settings, making sure that tenants are aligned with Microsoft best practices and that changes aren’t happening that you don’t know about.  
  • Cost-Effective Expertise: By leveraging iuvo Guardian, you essentially add our team of IT experts to your roster, all without the overhead of hiring and training additional staff. This allows your existing personnel to focus on driving your business growth.  
  • Optimal Posture Within the Microsoft Ecosystem: Given the constant changes Microsoft makes, it is difficult for companies to utilize all the security and features Microsoft offers. iuvo Guardian bridges this gap by vetting these changes and once approved, deploying them automatically to take advantage of all Microsoft has to offer. This makes your company inherently more secure and helps you make sure you are getting the true value of the Microsoft platform.  
  • Enhanced Visibility and Compliance Assurance: iuvo Guardian offers a clear, detailed view of your IT environment allowing you to know exactly how it’s configured for informed decision-making and operational integrity. Plus, with clear visibility into settings and change history, your business can easily produce evidence for compliance or auditors.  


Commitment to Excellence  

Editors from Beka Business Media, along with a panel of judges from independent industry resources, evaluated nominations based on a set of criteria including overall innovation, future industry impact, creativity, feature set differentiation, and ease of use and interoperability. The winners, including iuvo, exemplify rapid innovation, offering numerous opportunities for channel partners to boost their roles as trusted providers for business success.  

When asked how this award aligns with iuvo's commitment to providing exceptional service to their clients Bryon stated, “Our commitment to exceptional service for our clients was the impetus for building iuvo Guardian.  Our clients want to know that they are configured correctly, that their data is secure, and that they are compliant. iuvo Guardian can do weeks’ worth of audits in just minutes or hours. This outcome allows our clients to focus on their business and their growth knowing that their risks are mitigated. Anytime you can remove complexity from something, it creates value.”  He went on to say, “This is validation that our hard work and commitment to our customers is the right focus. I rarely stop to take a breath and look around to see where we are compared to the industry. This is a good chance to pause and give our team a much-needed kudos. Such a great validation.”  


ChannelVision’s 2024 Visionary Spotlight Awards will be published in full as part of the May/June 2024 issue, which are available in both print and digital format on We are proud to be among the distinguished recipients and look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and excellence in the IT and cloud computing space.  


If you’d like to learn more about how iuvo can help your business, please reach out to our team.