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Predictions for IT productivity and/or security trends in 2019

Written by Bryon Beilman | Dec 13, 2018 7:30:33 PM

It’s nearly the end of the year, which means it’s time for our predictions for 2019. (Don’t you worry, we’ll have a 2018 round-up post coming at you later this month!) When it comes to technology, things interestingly move at an incredibly quick pace but also tend to stay fairly consistent year to year. Of course, specific components of technology improve - software gets easier to use, hardware gets faster. But the main objectives - increasing productivity and security - remain the same.

We’ve done our research and put together this list of trends we anticipate for the coming year.

1. Cloud Connectivity

Obviously, we’re huge proponents of the cloud here at iuvo Technologies, but we also understand that it isn’t right for every organization. However, in most cases, there is some cloud solution - whether it’s a private cloud, public cloud, or some sort of hybrid - that can benefit a business.

In 2019, it’s likely that we’ll see technology arrive at a place where businesses are able to use a hybrid of public clouds, private clouds, and data centers seamlessly. The newest buzzword will be “Multicloud,” and according to Forbes contributor Daniel Newman, this will essentially mean that an organization’s data will be accessible anywhere, at any time, regardless of where or how it’s being stored - and that accessing said data will be seamless and secure.

2. [Anything] as a Service Gets a Major Boost

Speaking of the cloud, cloud services have seen a major boom in recent years, and it’s going to continue through 2019 as more services begin jumping on the “as a Service” bandwagon. This is no surprise. Providing access to software and applications “as a Service” gives businesses greater control over their infrastructure, flexibility, and scalability. Businesses will likely see their service providers offer a la carte services, which provides users with the satisfaction of knowing they’re only paying for what they need when they need it.

With all that said, you can expect to see current “as a Service” providers continue to perfect their model, while products still being offered on a traditional model will begin to modify their offerings.

3. Security Becomes a Major Priority - Legally and Ethically

Security has and will always be a priority for not just organizations, but also. app developers. Moving forward, we anticipate that developers will become increasingly concerned with the legality and ethics of providing secure apps for their users. Here’s why.

According to Gartner, companies will begin to move the conversation from “Are we compliant?” toward “Are we doing the right thing?” when it comes to how personal information is being used by public and private entities.

This holistic view of security is sure to make a big impact throughout a variety of industries and will hopefully see large data breaches become far less frequent than they have been in the last few years. Additionally, as users are becoming more aware of everything cybersecurity, their buying decisions may be impacted by the ethics in which their company employs in their security strategy.

You can learn more about the impact of IT security by downloading our whitepaper, Security in Layers.