IT Blogs & News - Written by IT Professionals - iuvo Technologies

Unmasking Zombie Resources: Streamlining Cloud Costs in Biotech

Written by Jessica DeForge | Jun 13, 2023 3:00:00 PM

Within the areas of biotech and life sciences, corporations harness the potential of cloud technology to drive innovation, bolster their research capacity and capabilities, and expedite breakthroughs. However, there is a hidden menace lurking within the cloud environment: zombie resources. These are oft long-forgotten, underutilized or idle resources that continue to consume precious cloud budgets; draining financial resources that could be allocated towards critical scientific advancements.  

Let’s investigate the world of zombie resources as we uncover their impact and reveal practical approaches to identify and eradicate them. Then we can identify actionable strategies for your biotech and life science organization to optimize cloud costs and maximize efficiency.  

Unveiling the Zombies:  Identifying and Eliminating Idle Cloud Assets  

Zombie resources were created for a purpose but are no longer needed and were left forgotten instead of being properly cleaned up, sometimes due to unfamiliarity with all the resources involved in a given service. These include idle virtual machines, leftover storage volumes, and orphaned data sets. Despite being unused, they can continue to incur costs, silently eating away at your budget. 


The Cost of the Undead: Mitigating Financial and Security Risks in the Biotech/Life Science Industry  

The financial impact of these resources can be significant. With cloud providers charging for storage, compute resources, data transfer and more, the accumulation of unused or underutilized resources can result in skyrocketing costs. These resources not only strain the IT budget but also divert critical funds that could be allocated to new and active research and development, impeding scientific progress.  

There is an inherent security risks to biotech and life science companies with the presence of zombie resources poses. These resources can become entry points to your cloud infrastructure for cyberattacks and unauthorized access. Hackers can exploit unpatched systems, outdated software, or misconfigured settings associated with these unused resources, compromising the overall security posture of your business. Once your security posture has been compromised it can lead to data breaches, intellectual property theft, regulatory non-compliance, and reputational damage. Eliminating zombie resources tightens your security to the smallest possible footprint. As HubSpot aptly stated, "The number one cause of data breaches in the cloud is misconfiguration." 


Proactive Strategies for Resource Management  

To combat this menace, biotech and life science companies need to implement proactive strategies for resource identification. This includes regular monitoring and analysis of cloud usage, conducting comprehensive audits, and properly utilizing cloud management tools to identify dormant or unused resources. iuvo’s IT experts have dedicated years to mastering all aspects of cloud technology. As one of the leading cloud computing service providers in the Boston, California and North Carolina areas, our team is equipped to help your business take advantage of the full power of the cloud while safeguarding against the risks and costs associated with zombie resources. We have a proactive approach that includes regular monitoring, comprehensive audits, and the utilization of advanced cloud management tools to make sure you have optimal resource utilization and to make sure you are protected against zombie resources.   


Effective Strategies for Cloud Cost Optimization  

Once the existence of zombie resources has been identified, we can remove them from the cloud infrastructure and save money. Below we have listed some effective strategies to consider beyond just deletion:  

  • Analyze your resource utilization patterns and optimally size virtual machines, storage volumes, and databases to eliminate overprovisioning and make sure you have optimal allocations.  


  • Use automation tools to schedule resources for shutdown during non-working hours or periods of low demand. This shutdown will help to prevent you from incurring unnecessary costs by running idle resources that are just standing by when no one actually needs them.  


  • Implement effective data lifecycle policies that automatically archive or delete outdated data and backups to free up capacity and reduce storage costs.  


  • Establish clear governance and policies to ensure accountability and responsibility for resource management across your business. Conducting regular reviews and audits can help maintain cost discipline and prevent zombie resource accumulation.  


For the biotech and life sciences industries, every dollar wasted on unneeded resources is a dollar that could have been spent on active scientific research. Understanding that these wasteful resources may exist, and then implementing measures to proactively identify, eliminate and prevent them, can help your business realize significant savings. 


Are you ready to reclaim your cloud from the budget-eating zombies? Contact us today for expert guidance and assistance in optimizing your cloud costs.