IT Blogs & News - Written by IT Professionals - iuvo Technologies

What Are the Different Service Types That You Get from iuvo Technologies?

Written by Bryon Beilman | Oct 31, 2018 3:52:49 PM

No two IT service providers are alike. Some offer tiered plans that include various options at each level, while others provide a one-size fits all solution. At iuvo Technologies, we believe that there’s no such thing as a one-size fits all solution when it comes to IT, nor do we think it would be efficient or reasonable to pop our clients into little boxes and expect that what we’re offering will meet their needs exactly. For that reason, we take a more holistic, customized approach to our offerings.

When we begin a relationship with a client, the first person they typically speak with is one of our sales team members. Our sales team isn’t comprised of just sales people. They have technical backgrounds as well, which means they’re able to speak with prospective clients, get a feel for their IT needs, and recommend solutions that meet not only their current needs but will also help streamline their operations in the future and grow their business. To do this, we have service types , which we’ll fill you in on in this post.

Service Type #1: IT Project Implementation

Some clients know exactly what they need and what their internal capabilities are to complete those tasks. Others, however, just know that they need help for a big project. Either way, we offer clients the option to work with us strictly on a project implementation basis, usually for large-scale, one-off projects. For these clients, we’ll either complete the entire project solo, or work with their internal IT team to get everything up and running without any hiccups.

The types of projects that we routinely work on are things like data migrations, office relocations, business continuity planning, and network design and implementation. This is, of course, just a small sampling of what we can do for clients on a project basis.

Service Type #2: Retainer

Next up is our retainer option. Each of our retainer contracts reflects the unique needs and goals of the clients that they serve, and so - as we mentioned earlier - there is no one-size fits all retainer. Under this type of service your organization will get the exact right amount of help you need to keep your operations running smoothly. Perhaps your organization requires a bit of extra assistance managing help desk tickets, or needs more hands on deck for in-house operations. Whatever the case may be, we’ll work with you to identify your needs and business goals, and then create a retainer agreement that adequately supports your organization.

Service Type #3: Complete Managed Services

Finally, our Complete Managed Services option is for those clients that want it all. You need help desk. You need on-site support. You need project implementation. You need patching, monitoring, and support - oh my! In addition to monitoring your devices (in a non-creepy, strictly professional way!) 24/7, we’re also able to provide the crucial support that you may need should a business critical component need tending to at, say, two o’clock on a Sunday morning. Think of Complete Managed Services as your “home away from home” IT department. We aren’t setting up our entire shop right in your offices, but we might as well be since you’ll never know the difference.

For more insight into what type of service might best match your IT needs, schedule your FREE IT Assessment today!