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On-Site: How iuvo Technologies Adds Value To the MSP & IT World

Written by Chris Russo | Dec 17, 2019 2:30:00 PM

Have you ever had a long-distance relationship? They don’t often seem to work out all that well, do they? Never seeing the person except for occasionally, lots of time on the phone, no live interactions, no abilities to notice moods, mannerisms, changes. You start to forget what the person even looks like after a while. It’s not impossible, but it’s not easy, or ideal, either. And even when they seem to be working out OK, the nature of a long-distance relationship nearly guarantees there’s a lot of opportunity to have a more connected, more developed relationship.



At the end of the day, people are about relationships, and a big part of a successful relationship is having a physical presence. Here at iuvo Technologies, we hold that principle as critical, because having strong relationships is a key part of how we ensure we provide the best possible support. Our support model includes on-site time as not only a feature, but a key, regular and expected part of how we do things. We’re not like other MSPs and IT providers that groan when they have to “roll a truck”. We are excited to be able to come on site every single week. We want to be there. We want to have a chance to see you, make sure you’re happy, or to say “hello”. Heck, supporting people is a big part of what we enjoy in our jobs, so why would we want anything else?


We truly feel that the level of customer service our clients deserve could not be possible without getting to know them, their business, their goals and more. The only way to properly do that is to be on-site. We also put a lot of work into making sure we hire the best, most personable people. Being on-site allows your business to see how we work so that we can earn your trust and prove our credibility.


Does your IT provider include this service? Ask yourself why not. And ask yourself if maybe you’d want something better. We think you might. Demand better. Demand excellence. Your company deserves it. 


Contact us if you would like to learn more.