“Flexibility” isn’t just a word you hear around the yoga studio these days. It’s also becoming one of the biggest buzzwords in the business world. Whether you’re discussing employee flexibility (telecommuting, flex hours) or client flexibility...
Using Technology to Increase Employee Flexibility
What is ransomware?
We hate to make sweeping generalizations, but we feel pretty confident when we say that most people know what a computer virus is. However, there are so many different types of viruses out there that beyond the broad stroke definition things may get...
An Alarming Amount of Tech Vulnerabilities Have No Remedy
We talk a lot about the importance of having a strong antivirus program and regularly and routinely patching your systems. It’s all for good reason. These measures protect your systems against attacks and vulnerabilities that could potentially...
I Think My Data Has Been Compromised - Now What?
There you are, clicking through your inbox on an ordinary Monday when … wait, what was that? Why is something downloading? What the heck is going on? Did you just get hacked?!
What Is Patching and Why Is It Important?
There are two things you hear about almost incessantly in the IT world - backups (seriously folks, back your stuff up!), and patching. Backups make sense - pretty much everyone understands the importance of having an additional copy of their...