What are the benefits of using CRM for your business?

When people refer to CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools they usually talk highly about the benefits and how their CRM empowers businesses to build engaging relationships with their customers by using data, which in turn helps their...

Active Directory CIFS (Samba) w/ CentOS/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8

There are many guides, cheat sheets, and white papers on authenticating Linux with Active Directory, and many different ways to do it. This iuvo Technologies blog will go through one tried and true method that works on CentOS/RHEL 8. We will also...

CentOS Linux Version 8 On Windows Subsystem for Linux

We will look at setting up CentOS version 8 on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Due to certain issues with the Microsoft Store licensing there is not an officially supported and free version of CentOS available the way Ubuntu Linux is. We will...

Understanding Technical Debt

Improving the Health of your Computer

Well-being has always been stressed as something one should focus on, and the benefits of self-maintenance can go a long way. Just as you may be acutely aware of health-related events taking place (especially nowadays), it is also prime time to...

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