We have written at length about the Human Firewall and how it can either be your business’ greatest defense or largest liability. So much of the human firewall’s strength depends upon how well employees are trained and empowered to respond to...
Phishing Litmus Test - Do your employees know how to recognize this common e-mail scam?
If This Happens, Then What? How We Talk with our Clients about Business Continuity
The Business Continuity Institute is kicking off its annual Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) this week, from May 14-18, which aims to help organizations and professionals address emergency preparedness. For this reason, we want to give you...
Is It Time For a Data Security Checkup?
If your company is debating whether to adopt a public cloud or to develop a private computing setup, security is undoubtedly a key driver in your decision making. The appeal of a public cloud is the advanced security tools that even large companies...
Data Loss, Data Leaks, and Other Reasons We'll Be at the Great New England Credit Union Show Today
The massive Equifax data breach last year has cost the company nearly $250 million in related expenses. Much of this cost has been covered by its cybersecurity insurance. But what about the customers? Who works to make amends and rebuild the trust...
Hello? 2004? We Found Your Computer Security…
We recently discovered that “computer security” is a top keyword search that leads users to this blog. As topics go, its meaning and implications have certainly changed over the years. By some accounts, it may be considered an outmoded terminology....