Leading Your Organization Towards Successful Cloud Migration

The transition to the cloud is a big deal—for both you and your employees. The sheer number of moving parts involved in migrating to the cloud makes it difficult for companies to do so without experiencing some bumps along the way. But with proper...

The Startup Lifecycle: Using Technology to Scale A Successful Startup

At iuvo Technologies, we’re experts in turning Chaos to Clarity. “Chaos,” as we think of it, can happen easily, without you even realizing; it’s cutting corners one day to solve a complex problem or implementing an iffy solution as a quick fix....

3 Steps to Become More Customer-centric

These days, customer experience holds a lot of weight. Think about the last time you had a bad shopping experience. Did you ever go back to that retailer? Likely not, and the bad service is often to blame.

11 guiding questions for a VC-backed startup

It’s a tale as old as time: An amazing, ground-breaking startup emerges, then just as quickly as it appears, it vanishes, never to be seen again. On average, roughly 20% of startups succeed, according to Investopedia. With statistics like that, some...

SELinux: Why it's time to stop turning it off

We hear it over and over again, how Linux is more secure—yada..yada..yada…. While that can be true its only true if the computer environment is configured properly. Security is done in layers, and often layers that seem troublesome are removed,...

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