Jack Harasimowicz

5 IT Industry Leaders You Should Be Following

If you’re in the middle of a digital transformation or looking to level up your IT strategy, you’re probably seeking out information and advice. As you learn new ways to scale and improve your IT strategy, it’s imperative, but difficult, to stay...

Extreme Makeover: Network Security Edition

The appeal of makeover and home renovation shows is no doubt the Cinderella transformation that seems to happen overnight to deserving people and places. Where security transformation is concerned, though, the process is rarely an overnight miracle....

What is Industry 4.0?

by Jack Harasimowicz | May 31, 2018 | Cloud

“That’s very Industry 4.0.” Evidently the cultural arbiters have added another marketing catchphrase to the vernacular. Only this one carries some genuinely important implications for understanding how disruptive technologies are shaping what is...

Should You Make Artificial Intelligence (AI) a Part of Your Technology Platform?

by Jack Harasimowicz | May 29, 2018 | Tools

Siri gives us directions, Alexa plays our favorite music, and iRobot cleans the floors. We may not be commuting in our space cars like The Jetsons, but more and more artificial intelligence and intuitive technologies are becoming accessible to us in...

Phishing Litmus Test - Do your employees know how to recognize this common e-mail scam?

We have written at length about the Human Firewall and how it can either be your business’ greatest defense or largest liability. So much of the human firewall’s strength depends upon how well employees are trained and empowered to respond to...

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