Leading Your Organization Towards Successful Cloud Migration

The transition to the cloud is a big deal—for both you and your employees. The sheer number of moving parts involved in migrating to the cloud makes it difficult for companies to do so without experiencing some bumps along the way. But with proper planning and collaboration from all parties involved, business owners and employees alike can successfully navigate a successful transition process without major issues along the way.


Prepare for cloud migration.

Leading an organization through a cloud migration is not easy. It can be daunting, even for seasoned IT professionals. But with the right preparation, you and your team can be confident that the migration will be seamless and successful. The first step is to define the problem before identifying a solution.

Get clear on what exactly needs to happen before any sort of action plan can be created. This will help you establish realistic goals for success, which is key in any sort of change management situation. Make sure everyone who needs to know about your cloud plans is involved in this step—it’s important that all parties understand their role in this process as much as possible and know what's expected of them.


Define a clear strategy for migration and integration.

After you've defined the problem and what you need from a solution, the second step is to develop a clear strategy for how best to meet those needs. Before you start, determining the right cloud model will help you avoid problems later on and maximize your ROI. During this step, it's important to consider security risks and develop plans to mitigate those risks. This will ensure that everything goes smoothly during and after the migration process.


Choose the right cloud model for your business and/or application needs.

A key step in any successful migration to the cloud is choosing the right model for your business and/or application. This will be different depending on who you are as an organization, so it’s important to understand what type of organization you are before making a decision.

  • Business: If your company is large and has complex IT needs, then a private cloud might be best for you. Private clouds provide total control over your own system, which can make it easier for large enterprises to deploy applications and use them at scale. However, this doesn’t mean that larger organizations should avoid public clouds; there are plenty of benefits from using public clouds as well (such as cost savings).
  • Application: If an application isn't well-suited for running in a particular kind of environment (public vs private), then migrating that application may not be worth it even if other parts of your infrastructure would benefit from migrating over time (e.g., servers). In other words: don't migrate just because everyone else does! Take time think about what works best for all users involved—not just yourself but also other stakeholders too—and choose accordingly.
  • The third step involves finding out whether or not one type works better than another based on factors like budget or skill level among employees who would manage these systems after deployment.


Determine the right cloud service provider for your company's needs.

Choosing the right cloud provider for your company can be difficult, but it's crucial for success.

  • Choose a provider that is a good fit for your organization. You'll want a service that fits with the size and scope of your business, as well as industry-specific needs such as HIPAA compliance or PCI DSS compliance. Look into what each provider offers in terms of features and plans, then decide which one is right for you based on cost and other factors like customer reviews and reputation. We have ample experience in both Azure and AWS and will be happy to guide your process.
  • Avoid choosing the cheapest option just because it's cheaper than competitors' offerings—you'll end up paying more down the line by having to switch providers once more if they aren't up to par!

During this phase, it's important to consider if you'll work with an experienced partner, like iuvo Technologies. Working with a managed provider helps ensure your migration stays on track. We're also there to help you face any challenges that come your way.


Provide proper training to employees who will work in the new environment.

An organization's employees play a vital role in the successful implementation of a cloud migration. Employees need to be well trained on how to use the new systems and processes, and this must happen before they are expected to use those systems and processes. It is critical that training be provided for all employees who will work in the new environment, regardless of their role or seniority within the organization.

Training should also be provided in a timely manner so it doesn't interfere with an employee’s work responsibilities during this time. For instance, if you are relying on someone who isn't trained yet because he or she has been out sick recently—or if this person just recently learned about his or her new role—you may need him or her for other critical activities until training can take place. Thus, it’s important not only that training takes place but also that it takes place when needed by your organization as a whole rather than at some arbitrary time chosen by management or IT staff.


Create a checklist and timeline of migration tasks and set reasonable goals for completion.

When it comes time to get started, you will need to make a checklist. Each task on the list should have an associated timeframe for completion and an estimate of how complicated it is. The more complicated a task (e.g., replacing legacy systems), the longer it will take and the more people are needed to complete it successfully.

It’s also important at this stage to make sure that all of these tasks are achievable within budget and timeframes outlined in step one above. The last thing you want is for your legacy codebase or databases to be unable to handle your new architecture because there wasn't enough time allotted for testing.

Finally, try not to put off any one migration process too long because then everything else will get backed up behind it! For example: if we're migrating from one cloud provider but don't start testing until we finish our user registration process; then those users won't be able to log into our app until those two things happen simultaneously—creating an annoying time delay.


Companies can smooth out some of the most common issues by preparing up front.

The good news is that most of the issues that pop up during a transition can be smoothed out by preparing up front.

  • Prepare your team for change. People will expect a certain amount of uncertainty as you transition to the cloud, but they'll also want to know what to expect and how they can contribute to the process. Make sure they're prepared by providing them with information about how the migration will occur, how long it might take, what tools you'll use (like AWS CloudFormation), and any other details that might affect them or their workflows in some way.
  • Train your team on the new environment before they start using it in production. Use this training time not only to teach employees how best to leverage cloud services like Elastic Load Balancing or Storage Gateway but also as an opportunity for everyone involved in the migration process—from developers through IT managers—to come together and discuss potential roadblocks and concerns. This way you're all working from one playbook moving forward into production-readiness mode following training completion (ideally within days or weeks).


The cloud is a great tool for companies that want to grow quickly and efficiently. It offers access to technology and services that were previously unavailable or too expensive for small businesses. However, there are several steps you should take before migrating your data out of your current environment and into the cloud. We can help you on your cloud journey, and make sure you're on track every step of the way. Contact us today to get started.



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