Planning Priorities for the New Year

At iuvo Technologies, we’re focused on driving innovation and growth, and that starts with measurable goals. Setting your goals for the New Year can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. As we head into 2023, take a look at some of the business goals that experts at the Forbes Human Resources Council recommend focusing on:



1. People’s Well-Being

As we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and other life challenges, it’s important to prioritize employee well-being. Make sure to frequently check-in with employees and how they’re feeling, both overall and about their day-to-day work. Plan fun events to help foster a sense of community, and encourage open communication across the organization. Research has shown it can help employees “experience significantly less stress, health problems and contribute to the organization’s mission.”


2. The Future of Work

Many organizations had to rapidly change how they work amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether this was a sudden change for your organization or you had an established plan, the New Year offers an opportunity to evaluate your approach and decide the best way forward.

Will you be hybrid? Remote? Onsite? What do your employees prefer? Ask employees what they want, and take some time to review the positives and negatives of your current model. With a recession looming, this is a particularly important factor to think about.

If you need help determining the best path for you, contact us today. We have over 20 years of experience in setting up successful workplaces, for virtual, hybrid and remote models.


3. Efficiency in Systems

The New Year is a good time to audit systems and identify areas of improvement. Focus on refining processes to maximize results and minimize time and resources. Prioritizing efficiency is especially important amid periods of financial uncertainty, since it can help you scale faster and increase resilience.

An outside consultant, like iuvo Technologies, can be helpful in this process. It enables businesses to take an unbiased approach, and focus on making the recommended improvements.


4. Employee Retention

Between COVID-19, the Great Resignation and other challenges, 2022 was a tough year for many organizations, in terms of employee retention. Now, as we head into 2023, employee retention on the top of the priority list.

When it comes to improving retention, make sure you focus on training at all levels of management with direct reports. No one’s skills are perfect, and everyone can benefit in some way, even the C-level. Foster a sense of collaboration and belonging through team trainings and outings, and focus on ensuring employees feel valued.


5. Company Culture

A strong culture keeps your company going. After the events of 2022, it’s important to reassess current missions and values, and make sure they’re still adequately represented. Ask yourself and your employees:

  • What are the areas of improvement?
  • Do we feel attached to our core values?
  • Have long-term goals changed?

Reflecting on these is a good start and can provide clear steps for improving your company culture. At iuvo Technologies, we’re passionate about our core values, and have relied on them to help guide us throughout every step of the way.



We’re here to help, whether you need someone to advise on core values or IT infrastructure. Contact us today to get started. You can check out more of the Forbes Human Resources Council’s priority recommendations here.


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