3 Steps to Become More Customer-centric

These days, customer experience holds a lot of weight. Think about the last time you had a bad shopping experience. Did you ever go back to that retailer? Likely not, and the bad service is often to blame.

Three Tips for Successfully Navigating the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation hit the workforce hard, especially in fields that experienced extreme increases in demand because of COVID-19, accordingto Harvard Business Review. Many organizations had to halt or delay projects, focusing their energy on...

AM vs. EM

One letter of the alphabet can make a big difference to your business.

It’s obvious that one letter can turn one word into another and those who play games like Scrabble can easily add a letter to a word to build yet another word. But can a letter...

How Information Technology in Business Improves Processes

The speed of today’s business world has become ever necessary and the use of technology, once previously an advantage or a luxury, has become paramount.  Companies in today’s world rely on technology and use it to increase sales, provide, or improve...

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