A Comparison of “Freemium” Replacements for VMware vSphere/ESXi - XCP-ng and Proxmox VE

If you've worked long in the virtual machine space, you have very likely used VMware's products, especially ESXi, the bare metal hypervisor that you could get a free activation key and use for various small-scale non-high availability purposes, and...

Expert Insights: Preparing Your IT for 2025

As we approach a new year, IT leaders are gearing up for the opportunities and challenges ahead. We asked our experts to share what they feel are the key areas of IT businesses should focus on in 2025.

Cloud Data Security Practices for Businesses in 2025

More and more companies have moved to the cloud and it's easy to see why—it offers unmatched scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. While the benefits of cloud environments are undeniable, it’s just as important to think about how you’re...

Unlocking Biotech Innovation Through Professional IT Consulting

The ability to harness digital transformation is now a necessity in the biotech industry. The pressure to innovate, streamline operations, and stay ahead of competitors is truly immense. However, for many biotech and life science companies, the path...

Embracing the Green Cloud: A Sustainable Future for Businesses

With growing environmental concerns, many businesses are focusing on sustainable cloud practices. Cloud providers are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact by investing in renewable energy and enhancing data center efficiency.

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