Brian O'Neill

The Key Advantage of Managing DNS With Terraform

In past articles we've talked about managing Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)  and the advantages it offers. DNS records are part of your infrastructure as well, although fewerbusinesses think to maintain it outside of manual control via either DNS...

Queen to Queen's Level 3: Avoiding certain scams with Challenge/Response

How to Secure Your Email Delivery: A Step-by-Step Guide

Various email providers have begun to clamp down on incoming emails that are deemed "untrusted". If you haven't properly set up your email environment, you could find your emails being rejected by the major providers, or more frequently ending up in...

How to Efficiently Clean Up Your AWS VPC and Cut Costs

Are you trying to clean up an old Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network to save on your AWS costs, but can't seem to find all the resources associated with that VPC? Finding all associated VPC resources, including specific security group linked EC2...

Log4Shell: rethinking your environment and using external code

Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228) struck fear in many IT departments, CISOs, and vendors - an easily exploitable remote execution vulnerability in a ubiquitous Java module used by many, many applications. Companies are still reeling from the impact and...

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