Congratulations! You’ve made the decision to outsource some or all of your organization’s IT services. That’s step one of getting your IT in fighting shape. But for some organizations, step two - figuring out what type of IT support they need - can...
What Type of IT Support Does My Business Need?
Firewalls 101: The Basics
If we’ve said it before, we’ve said it a thousand times: In today’s digital landscape, having top-of-the-line network security is paramount to running your business. In addition to having a strong antivirus and anti-malware software program, an...
An Alarming Amount of Tech Vulnerabilities Have No Remedy
We talk a lot about the importance of having a strong antivirus program and regularly and routinely patching your systems. It’s all for good reason. These measures protect your systems against attacks and vulnerabilities that could potentially...
What Is Patching and Why Is It Important?
There are two things you hear about almost incessantly in the IT world - backups (seriously folks, back your stuff up!), and patching. Backups make sense - pretty much everyone understands the importance of having an additional copy of their...
Is Your Business Hurricane Season Ready?
Let’s talk about the weather for a moment, shall we? As Hurricane Hector headed towards Hawaii as a Category 4 storm in the Pacific, experts forecast a less active than average Atlantic hurricane season. This is good news in general, but it doesn’t...