Many organizations are adopting a cloud only approach to infrastructure. Why wouldn’t they? It’s scalable with predictable costs, and it can be accessed from virtually anywhere. However, authenticating with services and virtual machines on the cloud...
Azure AD Authentication to Azure VM
Fundamental Issues with IT Security
You don't have to look far to find yet another news story about a company or organization getting breached or hacked in some way. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, by September 30, 2021 the number of data breaches had already exceeded...
Navigating Mobile Device Security
We are fortunate to live at such a time, when so much technology exists to make our lives easier, or more convenient. Unfortunately, we also live at a time when vulnerabilities in these systems is exploited by, and for the benefit of, bad actors....
My Journey with Venture Capital 2
As I wrote in part 1 of My Journey with Venture Capital, prior to founding iuvo Technologies, I was fortunate enough to work in Venture Capital (VC) based startups and it was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. Some of these VC-backed...
My Journey with Venture Capital
I have a long history of working with companies that are funded by Venture Capital (VC) and I can say that early in my career it really shaped who I became and now I find that I (and the company I work for) have shaped what those VC funded companies...