An introduction to Networking in the Cloud using AWS Transit Gateways

Not terribly long ago, Amazon introduced Transit Gateways, a nifty service that simplifies AWS networking. A transit gateway (or TGW) acts like a lightweight router that can be used to connect multiple VPCs, potentially in multiple accounts,...

Contracts in the Cloud - DevOps Teams Learning from Engineering

A Story From Another Century

A few years after its initial release, I had the opportunity to discuss development of Jini (more recently known as Apache River) with one of the lead software engineers on the project[1]. Jini has a very complex...

Blackjack! When Writing a Computer Program is Like Going to Vegas

I have a friend who used to be a member of the MIT Blackjack Team. He's fond of making the assertion that he could "teach a stick of wood to count cards". It's obviously hyperbole, but the point is that it's not that hard to teach somebody to count...

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