If we’ve said it before, we’ve said it a thousand times: In today’s digital landscape, having top-of-the-line network security is paramount to running your business. In addition to having a strong antivirus and anti-malware software program, an...
Firewalls 101: The Basics
How Does Two-Factor Authentication Ramp Up Your Security?
Two-factor authentication, 2FA, or multi-factor authentication, is one of the most talked about security “best practices” available today. Introduced as a data security method just several years ago, it is now touted as an almost non-negotiable part...
Fear Not the Cloud: Part 3 - How Safe Is the Cloud?
One of the most common refrains we hear from clients - both longstanding and new - is that they’re hesitant to migrate their data to the cloud because they’re afraid it’s unsafe. We get it. Sending everything that makes your company tick into the...
Is Your Network Too Complex?
Hopefully, your organization has been in a position where it’s been growing and thriving for years. If it has, it’s likely that as you’ve added personnel and new processes and procedures you’ve had to update your IT equipment. However, if you’ve...
Using Technology to Increase Employee Flexibility
“Flexibility” isn’t just a word you hear around the yoga studio these days. It’s also becoming one of the biggest buzzwords in the business world. Whether you’re discussing employee flexibility (telecommuting, flex hours) or client flexibility...