Chris Russo

Preparing for the Worst - Personal Security Problems as a New Reality

by Chris Russo | September 11, 2017 | Security, News, Data Breach, cyber attacks

I used to have a buddy who drove motorcycles. This particular guy had a prosthetic leg from an accident he had gotten into some years back. He patiently explained to me how he was really always careful, did all the right things, obeyed all the laws,...

Power Grid a Target for Hackers

I have some background in major utility information technology, so I'm going to be more quiet than usual on this particular issue (let's just say I've been talking about this for well over ten years), but I still want to spread the word around.

Fileless, Code-Injecting Ransomware SOREBRECT

by Chris Russo | June 19, 2017 | Security

The latest news in the security scene is all about SOREBRECT.

Dearest Datto - A Love Letter to a Backup Product

Dearest datto,

Dodged the WannaCry bullet? Is your name Neo?

by Chris Russo | May 21, 2017 | Security, IT Infrastructure, News

Reports on the wire indicate that some 300,000 computers were hit by WannaCry, but that only some $94,000 in bitcoin payments were made. It really doesn't sound all that bad when you think about it, so many IT managers and executives are looking...

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