How Reducing Technical Debt Saves Your Business Money in the Long Run

When you think of debt your company carries, you're likelythinking about the financial obligations you have to any of your creditors, but this is not the only form of debt you should be aware of. In the modern working world, technology is an ...

Backup and Recovery Testing

In previous blogs, we’ve talked about Backup Best Practices, RTO & RPO, and Business Continuity. We briefly talked about recovery in the Backup Best Practices blog; here we’re going to expound on that process.

Best Practices for File Safety

File storage is something that many computer users have traditionally not thought about. Instead, they kept files on their computers and hoped that their computer continued to work so their files were always available. A computer crash could very...

Can Your Business Survive Without the Cloud?

From a big picture perspective, the cloud hasn’t been around all that long. However, in just a short amount of time, we’ve gone from surviving without it to needing it to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced market.

Remote Collaboration Tools

Many of our customers have come to us looking for guidance on the best tools to use to stay connected with their unexpectedly 100% remote teams. At iuvo Technologies we do our best to find tools that may already be at a customer's disposal and weigh...

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