I’ve been on a cybersecurity reading kick lately and reading about cybersecurity can be depressing. You learn about damaging hack after damaging hack, endless systemic security issues, and global problems that seem intractable. As an IT consultant...
Tech Book Review: “Click Here to Kill Everybody”
Cyber Security: Keeping Your Private Information Private
Cyber security is the proactive protection of your data, network and services from the theft and attacks of hackers. Many people do not realize the importance of cyber security and how often cyber trolls are able to access private information. There...
Keeping Yourself (And Your Company) Safe During Online Shopping Season
Whether you’re gift shopping for friends and family or just taking advantage of the seasonal sales for yourself, it’s quite likely you will make at least one purchase online from November through the end of December. However, all that online...
How Do You Keep Your Devices Secure During The Holidays?
It can be a bit more challenging to keep devices secure around the holidays than at other times in the year for a number of reasons. For starters, your inbox is probably inundated with more emails than usual. Every store is running a sale (or two,...
How Enterprises Maintain Security
When it comes to IT security, enterprise-level organizations can have it pretty rough. Large companies are an attractive target for sophisticated hackers that create an enormous risk for customer, financial and personnel data. With such a large...