Staying On Top of Cybersecurity News

The field of Information Technology is in always in flux. New software and hardware are released regularly - the only constant is change. As an IT Consultant it's important to stay up to date on what's out there and what's happening in the world of...

Are Ransomware Attacks Data Breaches?

Everyone is familiar with, or has heard of, ransomware. It has been around in some fashion since 1989, with notable resurgence in 2005 and 2013. The original idea was to extort money from the victims by gaining access to their systems and encrypting...

Sound Digital Security Practices for Companies

Advancements in technology have made things easier for businesses, but as modern companies put more and more of their infrastructure online, they become easier to attack. Digital business data, personal employee information and proprietary customer...

Secure Holiday Shopping Guide

As we prepare to say good-bye to 2020 and all it has brought us, we will first prepare to celebrate the 2020 Holiday season. While online holiday shopping has become more and more popular in the last several years, the global coronavirus pandemic...

What Is Ransomware And How Does It Work?

I am sure by now that most everyone has heard of ransomware, usually in relation to a large corporation or municipality that has been targeted and the extraordinary cost involved with such an event. But do you really know what it is, and how to best...

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