Tech Book Review: “Click Here to Kill Everybody”

I’ve been on a cybersecurity reading kick lately and reading about cybersecurity can be depressing. You learn about damaging hack after damaging hack, endless systemic security issues, and global problems that seem intractable. As an IT consultant...

Cyber Security: Keeping Your Private Information Private

Cyber security is the proactive protection of your data, network and services from the theft and attacks of hackers. Many people do not realize the importance of cyber security and how often cyber trolls are able to access private information. There...

Improving the Health of your Computer

Well-being has always been stressed as something one should focus on, and the benefits of self-maintenance can go a long way. Just as you may be acutely aware of health-related events taking place (especially nowadays), it is also prime time to...

How To Set Up the Google and Microsoft MFA

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is the use of more than one security mechanism to access your accounts instead of the outdated way of setting a single password you can remember (or unfortunately write down where others can access it) and hope that...

What is phishing and how do I defend myself from it?

What is Phishing?

Anyone with an email account has received plenty of spam email, including plenty of scams.  Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails that appear to be from legitimate companies or organizationsIt is usedin an attempt...

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