11 guiding questions for a VC-backed startup

It’s a tale as old as time: An amazing, ground-breaking startup emerges, then just as quickly as it appears, it vanishes, never to be seen again. On average, roughly 20% of startups succeed, according to Investopedia. With statistics like that, some...

How to Distribute Company Office Templates and Images using SharePoint

Marketing departments often struggle to get everyone to use Company Templates. Traditionally, Templates were pushed using GPOs or Registry edits, and accessed over a shared drive on a network or pushed to the user’s machines locally. These policies...

Active Directory Authenticated CIFS (Samba) File Sharing with Ubuntu Linux 22.04

A while back we looked at setting up both CentOS 8, and Ubuntu 20.04 CIFS (Samba) file server with Active Directory Authentication. This blog is going to go through the same exercise, except using Ubuntu Linux 22.04 LTS. While there are many...

SELinux: Why it's time to stop turning it off

We hear it over and over again, how Linux is more secure—yada..yada..yada…. While that can be true its only true if the computer environment is configured properly. Security is done in layers, and often layers that seem troublesome are removed,...

Why the culture of your IT company matters

Good company culture is like a food recipe; there is a lot of prep work, elements and time that goes into it, and when it’s good, everyone loves it, and when it’s bad, everyone knows it. The culture can affect a company in positive and negative...

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