What is single sign-on and how can it benefit my business?

What is Single sign-on? 

How many passwords can you remember?  As an IT professional the number of passwords I can remember is in the double digits, and I use password managers to help. Managing many sets of credentials gets tough, and that's where...

The Science of Chaos to Clarity

What do you do when your life is in Chaos? Perhaps you call a close friend, a family member, a mentor or an advisor and seek help. When things get to a state where the word chaos can be used, stopping to reflect and reach out may not be a luxury...

The Importance of Strong Vendor Relationships

Let’s start by thinking of a scenario in which you ran into an issue, small or large, and knew you needed to seek out help.  I can certainly think of a few and can say the same for others.  You most certainly are not alone in this. 

Are Ransomware Attacks Data Breaches?

Everyone is familiar with, or has heard of, ransomware. It has been around in some fashion since 1989, with notable resurgence in 2005 and 2013. The original idea was to extort money from the victims by gaining access to their systems and encrypting...

That’s A Wrap - 2020 Business and IT Leadership Symposium

We did it. After eight amazing weeks, we finally finished our third-annual Business & IT Leadership Symposium. Our goal every year is to bring together brilliant industry leaders of all verticals to share experiences and learn about the things that...

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