Petya, Another Massive Ransomware Outbreak

I feel like I am beating a drum at the top of the mountain and yelling to the masses to be vigilant, patch your systems, protect yourselves, back up your data and climb to the top of the mountain with me and be safe from all this badness. Yet, it...

Fileless, Code-Injecting Ransomware SOREBRECT

by Chris Russo | June 19, 2017 | Security

The latest news in the security scene is all about SOREBRECT.

Top 4 Security Threats to Banking Institutions: #1 Wire Fraud

In 2016, reported data breaches increased by 40%. With large-scale security breaches becoming more sophisticated, it behooves businesses, especially financial institutions, to ensure their security is top-notch. After speaking to several banking...

Dodged the WannaCry bullet? Is your name Neo?

by Chris Russo | May 21, 2017 | Security, IT Infrastructure, News

Reports on the wire indicate that some 300,000 computers were hit by WannaCry, but that only some $94,000 in bitcoin payments were made. It really doesn't sound all that bad when you think about it, so many IT managers and executives are looking...

The WannaCrypt Virus

The WannaCrypt Virus is Rampantly Spreading across the Globe

iuvo Technologies is constantly working to get ahead of all security threats and the WannaCrypt Virus (a particular strain of a crypto locker type of virus) has recently spread rapidly on...

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