Power Grid a Target for Hackers

I have some background in major utility information technology, so I'm going to be more quiet than usual on this particular issue (let's just say I've been talking about this for well over ten years), but I still want to spread the word around.

"P@ssW0rd123!" or "correct horse battery staple"?

by Jack Harasimowicz | August 08, 2017 | Security, News, cyber attacks

F0rg3t what you know about creating strong passwords, because the rules have changed. For over a decade we have been trying to make our passwords so random that we end up forgetting if it was a "?" or a "!" in the middle of this jumble of numbers...

AI - Which Side Are You On?

by Jack Harasimowicz | August 03, 2017 | Security, News

Read any article about cybersecurity and you’re bound to come across a line like: “the security landscape is changing." It's a very true, but overused statement. However, we are in for a real landscape change within the coming years. We are on the...

Did We Miss Out on Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies?

by Jack Harasimowicz | July 19, 2017 | Banking, Security, News

What was going on seven years ago today? July 19, 2010, LeBron James was still on the Miami Heat and a Bitcoin costed $0.06. Clearly something has changed if today's ransomware attackers are demanding fractions of a Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies in...

Another Smashing IT Network Meeting for Credit Unions

by Jack Harasimowicz | July 14, 2017 | Security, News

iuvo Technologies hosted our second IT Network Meeting for CCUA members this past Tuesday, and let me tell you, it was a bad day to be a Lenovo laptop (more on that later).

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