Tasteful DevOps: An Opinionated View on the Importance of Flexibility

A Matter of Taste

DevOps is a philosophy for managing software products and services. It is not a checklist for development and deployment. Like food, DevOps is based on a combination of physical and cultural elements. If you compare DevOps to...

Saving Money With Amazon Web Services Reserved Instances

It seems like a strange thing to come across, but sometimes when you are dealing with clients who are utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their resources, you find wasted opportunities to save money. Sometimes it is nervousness about performance...

Examples of resource sharing that benefit from using a transit gateway

Building on my last blog, there are cases where transit gateways can allow you to significantly cut down on the number of resources that you deploy. In cases where those resources are lightly used, this can lead to a substantial reduction in costs....

An introduction to Networking in the Cloud using AWS Transit Gateways

Not terribly long ago, Amazon introduced Transit Gateways, a nifty service that simplifies AWS networking. A transit gateway (or TGW) acts like a lightweight router that can be used to connect multiple VPCs, potentially in multiple accounts,...

Contracts in the Cloud - DevOps Teams Learning from Engineering

A Story From Another Century

A few years after its initial release, I had the opportunity to discuss development of Jini (more recently known as Apache River) with one of the lead software engineers on the project[1]. Jini has a very complex...

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