7 Outlook Calendar Tips and Tricks

In the past year and a half, the shift from the office to work from home has significantly increased the need and usage of conference calls and online presentations and because of that, the calendar has become a critical part of all business...

Inside the Push to Upgrade to Cloud-Forward Infrastructures

When you’re looking to hire someone or a company to fulfill a need, experience matters. Across the tech industry, there is a common cause of why emerging technologies are not being implemented promptly: quality, experienced candidates.

My Journey with Venture Capital 2

As I wrote in part 1 of  My Journey with Venture Capital, prior to founding iuvo Technologies, I was fortunate enough to work in Venture Capital (VC) based startups and it was an experience I wouldn’t trade for anything. Some of these VC-backed...

My Journey with Venture Capital

I have a long history of working with companies that are funded by Venture Capital (VC) and I can say that early in my career it really shaped who I became and now I find that I (and the company I work for) have shaped what those VC funded companies...

Fun With Printers – Remediating PrintNightmare

Last time I blogged about Windows printers I said that printers are strange beasts. Nowadays these beasts are causing nightmares for Windows admins! PrintNightmare is the name of a recently publicized vulnerability involving the Windows print...

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