Ahhhh, file storage. A favorite topic of many a SysAdmin. Data storage is a necessity for any business, different lines of business may have different requirements for their data storage. Now there’s cloud storage, and you may still be using...
Why Use Cloud Storage?
What is the Cloud?
Over the last several years, you have probably heard about “the Cloud”, and how people are moving to “the Cloud”. But what is “the Cloud”? What is the difference between public and private cloud? And why would you want to move to “the Cloud”?
Saving Money With Amazon Web Services Reserved Instances
It seems like a strange thing to come across, but sometimes when you are dealing with clients who are utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) for their resources, you find wasted opportunities to save money. Sometimes it is nervousness about performance...
Can Your Business Survive Without the Cloud?
From a big picture perspective, the cloud hasn’t been around all that long. However, in just a short amount of time, we’ve gone from surviving without it to needing it to stay relevant in today’s fast-paced market.
8 Tips for Working From Home
The governor of Massachusetts, where I live, just closed schools for another month. After just a couple weeks of this, my teenage boys are already restless and actually want to go back. I love my kids, but, like most of us, I am used to spending at...