Does Your Cloud Computing Have Any Blind Spots?

by Bryon Beilman | March 20, 2018 | aws, Cloud, Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is to security what your company is to its mission. If your company isn’t accomplishing its mission, it may be time to reevaluate your reasons for being in business. Likewise, if your cloud service isn’t as secure as it needs to be,...

2018 Technology Predictions - What Tech to Expect

8 technology predictions that will reshape the new year 

Working at an IT company, we tend to talk about... you guessed it... IT. Over the past few months I'vebeen hearing the same topics come up in conversation (and sometimes in more heated...

Will Moving to the Cloud Save Your Business Money? Read our Guide to Evaluating Costs

by Bindi Tuli | April 25, 2017 | aws, Cloud

Why are many SMBs moving to the cloud? It’s because in many cases, cloud solutions help small-to-mid size businesses improve efficiency, increase agility, and save money. However, evaluating the true cost of migrating to the cloud is crucial to...

Amazon EC2 "t2" instances - are you expecting too much?

by Brian O'Neill | April 03, 2017 | aws, Cloud

UPDATE: Now AWS offers a "T2 Unlimited" option, which solves this limitation - read more about it here!

Some time ago, iuvo decided to move all of its resources into the cloud. Most of our resources were pretty idle and didn't need lots of CPU and...

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