3 Steps for IT Compliance with Business Associate Agreements

In the life sciences industry, partnerships with pharmaceutical companies often require signing business associate agreements (BAAs). What are these contracts, and how can your biotech startup prepare for opportunities that involve protected health...

What Is Ransomware And How Does It Work?

I am sure by now that most everyone has heard of ransomware, usually in relation to a large corporation or municipality that has been targeted and the extraordinary cost involved with such an event. But do you really know what it is, and how to best...

Tech Book Review: “Click Here to Kill Everybody”

I’ve been on a cybersecurity reading kick lately and reading about cybersecurity can be depressing. You learn about damaging hack after damaging hack, endless systemic security issues, and global problems that seem intractable. As an IT consultant...

Cyber Security: Keeping Your Private Information Private

Cyber security is the proactive protection of your data, network and services from the theft and attacks of hackers. Many people do not realize the importance of cyber security and how often cyber trolls are able to access private information. There...

5 IT Best Practices for HIPAA Compliance

If your biotech startup is developing a drug, medical device, or therapy, HIPAA compliance should be part of your long-term plan. Ensuring your IT infrastructure is capable of meeting compliance needs now can save you time, money, and headaches as...

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