Building a Strong Culture: The Key to a Lasting Brand

As a company,  What is your promise to your customer?

When people hear or see the name of your company, how do they feel? What emotion does it evoke?

What I am talking about is your brand. When you hear the names of companies like Nike, Starbucks, Tesla or Apple you instantly know how you feel about that company because they have done a good job of creating and maintaining their brand.


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The only way to truly create a lasting brand is to ensure that you deliver what you promise to your ideal customer. A brand is like a reputation; it takes a long time to create a good one and it can go negative very quickly if the company does not live up to its claims.  The only way to really create a great brand that will endure over time is to create a culture that supports the brand.  Culture and brand are really two sides of the same coin.

Most great companies create products or services that delight the customer. To do that you need to hire the best people. Great people want to work for a company that empowers them to do their very best. A poor company culture can overshadow even the best marketing efforts, leading to negative outcomes that undermine a company's reputation.  It is nearly impossible for someone who works in a toxic environment to give great customer service or create a great product.

On the other end, awesome products and services can be created by a company that did not spend millions of dollars in marketing but rather built a culture of excellence that oozes out of every interaction you have with them.

WebsiteBlog Images (17)While I have been underwhelmed by a product or had a company overpromise and underdeliver results, I am fortunate to work for a company that has a great culture and great services that are reflected in its brand. That company is iuvo.

iuvo is a Latin word, which means, "to help, assist, delight or gratify" and that is built into everything that we do. We do not have to pretend to be something we are not, because just by living our core values, our brand shines through in every customer interaction.  The focus we've placed on our culture and brand has earned us a world-class NPS score of 80, which is over double the industry average.

Recently we protected this brand by establishing a Trademark for iuvo (Reg. No. 7,370,460) so that our brand stays true and we can protect what our brand means to us and our customers.


Build something great but start with building a great culture. You can start building a lasting brand today by focusing on your company's core values and creating a positive work environment.


Contact us today to learn how iuvo's IT solutions can accelerate your business growth.


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