The Cost of On-Premises IT Infrastructure

A couple of recent events bring to light the true costs of running an on-premises IT infrastructure.The widespread, and long-lasting power disruption in Texas, and the 0-Day Microsoft Exchange vulnerability that is still being actively exploited at...

Staying On Top of Cybersecurity News

The field of Information Technology is in always in flux. New software and hardware are released regularly - the only constant is change. As an IT Consultant it's important to stay up to date on what's out there and what's happening in the world of...

2021 Trends to Watch Out For

If there was one thing about the year 2020 that many can agree on, it was change. What started out as a relatively normal new year not only soon took a grand turn, but in addition, gained momentum and changed life as we knew it. Humans are creatures...

What is single sign-on and how can it benefit my business?

What is Single sign-on? 

How many passwords can you remember?  As an IT professional the number of passwords I can remember is in the double digits, and I use password managers to help. Managing many sets of credentials gets tough, and that's where...

Conditional Access Policies: Require MFA For Guests In o365 Tenant

Your organization uses Sharepoint/OneDrive and works very hard to make sure all of your sensitive documents are secure and safe against any attackers or wrongdoers. Your IT Department has done what they think are all of the necessary things and have...

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