The Benefits of Unified Communications

by Jeff Beard | September 03, 2019 | Team, IT Support, Microsoft Office 365

Business doesn't get done without effective communication. The last time you needed to reach your team urgently, how many different tools did you need to use? Were you able to reach everyone successfully and in a reasonable amount of time?

Surprisingly Universal Things Learned from Software Development

by Chris Russo | August 27, 2019 | IT Management, Process, Team, IT Support

I once ran a software development team. This was an amazing group of people who cared deeply about working as a cohesive team and doing awesome things. This was wonderful, of course, but as a manager I found that sometimes their dedication led to...

How Do You Measure Success?

Most successful people and businesses I know use measurements in their life to ensure that they are on track. Peter Drucker imparted wisdom on us when he wrote "If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it." I know at iuvo Technologies, we measure...

Startups: Why IT Is Important & How iuvo Technologies Can Help With Growth

Human Firewalls: What They Are And Why They're Important

What is a Human Firewall?

Human Firewalls are comprised of a group of people from your organization with a mission to detect scams such as ransomware or phishing attacks that sometimes bypass your computer security systems. These attacks need a...

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